Sunday, April 27, 2008

6 months clean

This post is 5 days late, but better late then never. And in this case, late or not, it's worth mentioning.

I'm very proud of our lead guitarist and my long time friend and roommate Ian. As of April 22nd he has been drug free for 6 months. Ian is a former smoker and drinker (for 16 long years) who decided to break both of his ugly habits in the same month of November 2007.

As many of you know, breaking bad habits such as these can be difficult on your mind and body and can wreak havoc on your personal relationships as well. Ian has strong support from his friends and we're all very proud of his personal decision. I feel that this is an important point to make, that this was a personal decision for Ian. He's been able to reverse 16 years worth of ingrained habits due to mind-altering substances with no relapses in 6 months.

Congratulations and here's to the beginning of a new life of drug freedom.


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